APIS Beekeepers Small Hive Beetle Protection Pack

$29.40 $29.40

1 x TopBait Plus 35g tube with 4 x Traps

A perfect solution for the Beekeepers of Australia.

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Why choose Topbait Plus for Small Hive Beetle Protection?

Topbait™ Plus is an Australian Made and Designed Small Hive Beetle Bait that KILLS Small Hive Beetles. The bait is to be placed inside the centre of an APIS Small Hive Beetle Trap Enclosure on top of the frames. It has been assessed and approved by APVMA to be a very safe and effective form of Small Hive Beetle Protection.

What does the Small Hive Beetle do?

The Small Hive Beetle (SHB) lives in beehives and pupates in the soil around your beehive when conditions are right, i.e. higher temperatures and plenty of rainfall. It is an introduced pest that has spread rapidly over the east coast of Australia. A few beetles can generate large numbers and easily slime out a hive, they are the reason beekeeping as we know it has changed forever.

How does it work?

When used in conjunction with our tested and well-proven APIS Small Hive Beetle Trap, the bees force the Small Hive Beetles towards the top of the hive, and then into the trap via small slots. These entry slots on APIS SHB Traps have been specially designed so that bees cannot stick their heads and tongues through and access the bait

How to use Topbait™ Plus

Correct APIS trap Placement

Step 1: Place 1 gram of bait into the well in the centre of the trap. Close the trap ensuring the side pins and the locking bar are clicked into position, this will ensure the trap is securely closed. Place the traps in a corner of the top honey box, not in the centre. For best results, place two traps per hive and position them on opposing corners.

Step 2: As the beetles enter the APIS traps and eat the SHB Bait, it is a common occurrence that bees will propolis the trap entries in an effort to trap them inside. To counter this, we recommend checking the traps routinely every 7 days and clearing the propolis from the slots with your hive tool if required.

Step 3: Repeat! Controlling Small Hive Beetle is an ongoing process, but it doesn’t have to be difficult. Inspect and clear the traps every 7 days, replacing the bait when necessary.

For more information view our Quick Video Tutorial: https://youtube.com/shorts/Z6KHN3Tkpz4?si=o7-dYj9iJX6fJfzU

Amazing results, a great investment in your hives. 

Small Hive Beetle Trap

The bait assists the bees in forcing the Small Hive Beetle into the trap via small slots, too small for the bees to enter. The trap design also prevents the bees, such as the Caucasion (Black Bee) with its 9mm tongue and Liguistica (Italian Bee) with its 7mm tongue, from accessing the bait well.

Extensive testing was performed over a period of 3 years including an Environmental Study, Toxicology Study and Necropsy Study. These were performed with 3 different replicates over two states in different locations and involved over 60 hives. The study’s results were presented to the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) which approved the product for use in October 2017.

APVMA Approval Number 68330/108733

For your safety and peace of mind, you can view the Safety Data Sheet

For more information please visit the APIS Ecology Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/apisecology

Additional information

Weight 0.212 kg
Dimensions 24 × 18 × 16 cm


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